Dental service plans, also known as discount dental plans, are an inexpensive alternative to costly and restrictive dental insurance.
Dental service plans save you money on dental care. You get 10% to 60% discounts on dental procedures including exams, cleanings, fillings, crowns, extractions, root canals, bridges, braces, dentures, and periodontal and cosmetic dentistry.
You can choose from 32 regional and nationwide networks with more than 100,000 participating dentists and dental specialists.
Discount Dental Plans
Discount Dental Plans are NOT insurance. These service plans offer discounts only. There are benefits to this though. The first is that you can be seen immediately for any condition you may have and you’ll receive a discount. The only alternative would be to pay full price. Also, there are no age limits or exclusions and braces, dentures, bridges and crowns are all included within the plans.
Dental insurance will not pay for any existing condition that you may already have. This means that if you already have caries (cavities), have a broken tooth, missing teeth, etc that having an insurance policy will not help you one bit. The word “insurance” means to “provide protection in case of an unforeseen event” and something that has already happened is not an unforeseen event. A policy may provide some coverage after a mandatory one year waiting period, but the conditions to be treated and the amount covered are at the sole discretion of the dental insurance provider.
If you are a person who is enjoying his or her life in the proverbial Golden Years, you will want to take a look at dental plans Florida that specifically are geared towards retired individuals. Obviously, the State of Florida is home to a significant number of men and women who are in the midst of their Golden Years. As a result, there are a number of reputable and reliable dental plans Florida that cater specifically to the needs of men and women in the latter years of their lives. These programs have coverage that specially is tailored to the needs of men and women in this age group. Moreover, these specialized dental plans Florida also offer rates that are more favorable to people who are retired.
Discount plans work by memberships. You apply for membership with a company that offers the plan and agree to pay a monthly fee. In return, your health care provider offers deep discounts on health dental services.
When you visit your doctor or dentist, you simply present your discount card for an instant discount. Since discount plans are not the same as insurance, you are responsible for paying for all services, but you’re able to get health care at savings up to 50% or more, depending on the plan you choose.